Friday, February 29, 2008


OK, exercise really does work. I know that they tell you this time and time again, but I re-discovered it this week at weigh-in.
Let me explain. I went to visit my parents this past weekend and of course, lost my mind and pigged out. Saturday night was spent at a ridiculously delicious Italian eatery and Sunday, I am ashamed to type, led to a ham and cheese omlette with homestyle potatoes in the morning and corn dogs with macaroni and cheese that night. I know! Something about being back with the parents makes me want to eat like a child.
So, of course when I get home, I panic at my gluttony and briefly wonder if it's possible to get lipo before Wednesday (just kidding). My only real option is to get back on the wagon and sweat to the oldies ... or my pilates tape, whatever the case may be. I also power-walked repeatedly around the mall, craning my neck to peek in the stores but stoically marching on.
At weigh-in, I hold my breath - have my efforts been enough to mask the pizza and soda binge? The seconds tick by as the woman behind the Weight Watchers counter eyes the scale's result. She smiles and I exhale. I only lost 1/2 a pound, but frankly, that's enough.
Good thing my parents live 4 hours away, or good ol' home cooking might be my downfall.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Off the plateau!

Finally, after weeks of frustration and cursing, I lost more than a fraction of a pound. Hallelujah!
I'm down 10 pounds now, according to my scale, and I am psyched. Others are noticing the change and so are my pants, which keep having to be hitched up.
I haven't been exercising as much as I should, but I did discover the most excellent mini-workout! There is a tape called the 10 minute workout, and it's Pilates in short spans that can target a different part of your body. You can string them together, but if you're like me, you have about 2 minutes to yourself, so 10 minutes is better than nothing. Plus, if you're out of shape, those ten minutes are all it takes to be super sore the next day.
The 100 calorie pack snacks have also been a lifesaver, because I have a habit of sticking food in my mouth while working and not thinking about what it is. The most delicious ones are the Hostess muffins and cupcakes. I can still get the sweet chocolatey taste of a cupcake without the guilt.
That's really about all ... I weigh in today, so hopefully the minor slip this weekend of blueberry pancakes won't show up!